Laurie Joanow,
Owner & Founder
Laurie is a licensed clinical social worker with experience in many areas of physical health and mental health: she has done research, taught college, and has worked in medical social work as well as mental health case management. She boasts a great deal of experience in perinatal mental health both as a social worker and researcher as well as in non-social work roles. A social worker for the past 30 years and a clinical social worker focused on providing therapy for the past 12 years, Laurie has specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.
She has a strengths-based solution-focused approach to treatment.
And … she is a registered yoga teacher!
Dr. Piper
Please join us in welcoming Piper Joanow, D.O.G.
Piper joins us part time in the office. She specializes in comforting snuggles.
Learn more about Laurie on Psychology Today!